Reference #18.1f0fd017.1654905175.28099a2d
Reference #18.1f0fd017.1654905175.28099a2d
According to Rolux chief executive Stuart Williams, getting your garden back into shape can also give your mental and physical health a boost.
“Being outside makes people happier, eases anx
Professional Tool Reviews for Pros
While battery-powered string trimmers are very clearly expanding across the country, many professional crews rely on the power and longevity of a gas engine
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Get your garden looking spick and span
ow is the ideal time to get out and get pruning.
These are the best garden shears for all your topiary needs
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Get ready for spring: these gardening tools are a cut above
Harry and David Rich, known as The Rich Brothers, working on their private garden in July 2021. Photography: The Rich
By Mark Wolfe | Published Mar 25, 2022 8:25 AM
Chainsaws are handy for all sorts of jobs, from cutting firewood and landscaping to demolition and constr
Every product is carefully selected by our editors. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission.
They're not perfect for everyone, but they could be a gamechanger for
Gear-obsessed editors choose every product we review. We may earn commission if you buy from a link. How we test gear.
These battery-powered electric saws are light
Ornamental grasses are trimmed back in late winter to promote a new flush of growth in early spring.
Summer-blooming shrubs such as panicle hydrangeas and those that bloom on new wood gr
Last week we looked at some of the science behind how a plant grows, which helps us understand pruning a bit better. This week, we have some tips on pruning deciduous shrubs.
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