2 ACRES UNRESTRICTED Land w/30×50 Metal Building on HP McCoy Just North of Cowee, Beautiful River and Mountain Views. $149,000. Call (352)603-4249.
20.24 ACRES unrestricted and backs up to USFS land. Road in place, easy access yet very private. Gentle slope with nice views. Desirable Cartoogechaye township. Tract has been subdivided into six lots and recorded with county. $299,000. Call or text (727)460-0714.
VACATION RENTAL Romantic and Cozy, 1BD/1BA, Lake Front, Fully Equipped, Close to Town, Weekend, Weekly, Monthly, Seasonal. Franklin, NC. Call Rick & Sarah Miller (770)757-7500.
CNA TRAINED CAREGIVER In Home Aid, Run Errands, Dr. Appointments, Grocery Store/Pharmacy. References. Over 15 Years Experience. (828)342-3750.
CAROLINA CUTTERS Accepting New Clients Offering Mowing, WeedEating, Hedge Trimming, Pressure Washing, and more. Call Chris (828)347-0943.
GIBSON’S PAINTING & Home Repairs, 30 Years Experience, Insured, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Interior and Exterior Painting, Pressure Washing. Free Estimates, Beat Any Price. (828)200-7549.
GUTTER & DOWNSPOUT Cleaning and Repair. New Installation, Leaf Guards. No Job Too Small, Free Estimates. Call Rick Hall (828)371-3566.
HALL’S WINDOW Cleaning 25 Years Experience, Insured, Great References, Call (828)369-9662.
HAUL-4-U Pick-up of Appliances Furniture, Garbage, Trash, Rubbish. Residential/Commercial Clean Outs. (828)332-7175.
HANDYMAN HOME REPAIRS Carpentry, Pressure Washing, Gutter Cleaning, Decks, Drywall, Painting, Electrical/Plumbing, Repairs of any kind. 40 Years, Fast/Reasonable/Reliable. (828)332-7247.
SKILLED CERTIFIED NURSING Assistant/Companion, Available 12-hour Shifts, Cooking, Cleaning, Laundry. Experience working with matters of dementia and sundowning. (845)807-4121.
DAVID CHEEK’S WELL PUMPS Sales Service & Installation of Pumps and Iron Removal Systems. For All Your Water Needs.(828)369-5176.
AFFORDABLE CPR CLASSES American Red Cross Certified Instructors. CPR, Adults, Children, Infants, AED, First Aid for Breathing and Bleeding Emergencies. Cathy Minter RN (941)374-2210 Email: minterca6@yahoo.com
FREE LAWN CARE Estimates, $5. Off With Ad, Fall Clean Up & Care, Mulch/Fertilizer, Pressure Washing, Gutters Cleaned. No Yard Too Large or Too Small. Bob (828)342-5273.
SQUID’S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR & Service, 867 Highlands Rd., by Franklin Flea Market. (828)342-5135.
HYDROSEEDING & SOD LAWNS Now Is The Time! Ron’s Hydroseeding. (828)332-4415.
CAROLINA PAINTING & Remodeling, Pressure Washing, Painting, Home Repairs, 28 Years Experience in WNC. Cell (828)371-9754.
NEW CREATIONS Landscaping LLC. Landscaping Projects, Cleanup, Annual Color, Mulch, Pine Straw, Aerating, Fertilizing, Hardscapes, Steps, Retaining Walls, Grading, Gravel, Design, Grounds Maintenance and Much More! Licensed & Insured, Free Estimates (828)524-6959.
STALLSWORTH PAINTING Interior/Exterior, Pressure Washing, Handyman, 35 Years Experience. Cell (239)860-0117, home (828)332-4382.
GRADING, FINISH GRADING Hydroseed, Driveways, Roads, Hauling, Land Clearing, Chipper. Install Septic Systems, Retaining Walls, Rock Work, Boulders, Patio, Perez. (828)524-8650, (828)347-6793 Excellent References.
GREENTHUMB LAWN SERVICES Do you need Spring Cleanup? Lawn Maintenance, Landscaping, Leaf Blowing, Handyman Services. 18 Years Experience. Call (828)421-8847.
PROFESSIONAL KNIFE and scissor sharpening Mon-Sat. Kitchen Sink Inc. 72 E. Main Street, Franklin (828)524-2956.
DIESCHER ELECTRIC Professional service. Reasonable rates. NC Licensed and fully insured. 20+ years experience. (845)807-1326.
LAWNS MOWED in Macon County Area, 26 Years Mowing Experience. Starting at $35. Call (828)524-0114.
CRANE BROS. WELL Drilling, 6” Drilled Wells for Farms Homes and Industries, Free Estimates. 248 Crane Circle, Franklin. (828)524-4976.
CRAFTSMAN TABLE SAW 3HP $200. Craftsman Band Saw 12” 2-speed $200. Electric Hedge Trimmer $50. (828)524-5780.
FARMERS MARKET 8-12, Every Saturday. Please Come Out and Support Your Local Farmers Market. Spring Vegetables, Honey, Garden Seedling, Soap, Wooden Bowl & Spoons, Pastries, Cookies, Preserves, Eggs. 200 Block East Palmer.
MRE’S MILITARY BOOTS Clothing, Rain Gear, Cold Weather Gear, Sleeping Bags, Vests, Packs, Bags, Field Gear, G.I. 5 gallon Gas/Water Cans! We buy, sell all Types Clothing, Field Gear. B & M Military Surplus, Open Monday-Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-5, Closed Sunday, 329 Bennett Ridge Rd. Franklin, (828)349-3140. bandmmilitarysurplus.com, bandmsurplus@gmail.com
REALLY BIG DEALS & Steals Sale, Saturday 28, 8am-4pm, 2594 Wells Grove RD. Furniture, Art, Rugs, Decor, Clothes,Tons more
TWO FAMILY SALE Friday & Saturday, Rain or Shine. 8am–4pm. Lots of Goodies for Everyone. Name Brand Women’s & Children’s Clothes, Bicycles, Stove and Lots, Lots More! 35 Holland Drive, Franklin.
POMERANIAN PUPPIES Male & Female, CKC Registered, Current Health Records. (828)524-7232.
VOLUNTEERS & DOG WALKERS Needed at Macon County Animal Services. 18 years and older. Call Debbie (941)266-7084.
HOT DOG COOKOUT Saturday, May 28, 11am–2pm, AARC Thrift Store 1521 Murphy Rd. Franklin.
HABITAT RE-STORE 56 W Palmer St., Franklin. Furniture, Lighting, Plumbing, Building Materials, Doors & Windows, Appliances & More! (828)524-5273. Sylva Re-Store,1315 W. Main St. (828)586-1800. Hours for both Stores Mon./Wed./Fri./Sat. 10-4pm.
REACH FOR BARGAINS in Heritage Hollow, open Tues.-Sat. 10am-3pm. Benefits Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Macon County. Information call (828)369-2040.
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