Musings for Friday - What Keeps You Going?

2022-09-02 23:03:31 By : Mr. Stephen Meng

For the almost 20 years that I’ve been on this site it seems we’re still fighting the same fights. And we are. In some cases we’re fighting fights we thought we had won 40, 50 or 60 years ago. Environmental, social, personal, social justice, it never stops. We use our innate desire to do good for ourselves and others and the world, but the battles are never over. Because the evil in men’s hearts never stops. Greed, hatred, misogyny, racism and indifference continues.

This weekend some of our friends are in Pittsburgh attending Netroots Nation socializing and learning the latest ways of getting our message out and accomplishing our goals for this country and the world. Bless them and we wish them well in their endeavor. Their attendance at Netroots Nation is one demonstration of how to keep it going, community and fellowship with fellow travelers.

So what are you doing to keep yourself in the game? 

Feel free to tell us what you do or what’s holding you back. We all have lives to live with our day to day complications, problems and crisis and that makes extending ourselves a tough grab. Reach out.